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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622050

Sesso : Maschile
Age : 42
Live in : Corea del Sud
こんにちは 会社に勤めている普通の40代の韓国人男性です 幼い頃 手紙でしばらくペンパルをしたことがあります この空間を通じても日常や趣味など私事な対話を交わせる友達に会え...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 30
Live in : Corea del Sud
Helloはじめまして 안녕하세요저는 부산에 살고 있는 93년생 한국인입니다. 약간 서툴지만 영어와 일어 모두 가능합니다. KBS한국어능력검정시험 한국인을 위한 고급한국어시험이에요 1급 ...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 37
Live in : Polonia
Hi. My name is Agnieszka. I m come from Poland. I d like to learn japanese and korean. Besides I want to find friends who can talk with me. I m interesting of Asian culture especially South Korea and ...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 52
Live in : Senegal
Hellol am very understanding man with good heart, and will be happy to find the same in any beautiful woman all over the world as a friend. l look forward to meet yo...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 38
Live in : Corea del Sud
Hello. I live in Busan, Korea. name is Jea seung. I am running a cafe as a private business now. Please be my friend. I look forward to your kind cooperation. おはようございます 私は釜山に住んでいます. 名前は ジェスン ...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 24
Live in : Corea del Sud
こんにちは日本人友達を作りたくて始めた韓国人です長くお互いに国の文化について教え合ったり 言語も教え合ったりできる友達を作りたいです 同じ年頃ならいいし プロフィールに...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 17
Live in : Corea del Sud
Hi!こんにちは I m a korean high school student. I like learning languages, traveling etc. I m learning Japanese these day, i wanna know more about Japanese and its culture I can speak Korean and Englis...