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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622347

Sesso : Femminile
Age : 35
Live in : Giappone
現在韓国語の勉強をしているので 韓国語でメール交換などを出来る友達を探しています 日本語 英語での会話が可能です 韓国語は現在勉強中なので 少しなら話せます ファッション ...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 38
Live in : Corea del Sud
안녕하세요. 서울에 살고 86년생입니다. 제가 외국어를 못해서 한국어를 할 수 있는 분이였으면 좋겠습니다. 선생님처럼 이론을 알려드리지는 못하지만 진짜 생활 한국어 공부를 도와드...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 56
Live in : Polonia
Hi, I am a gardener from Poland I would like to improve my english on this site. I live and work in Poland but I will build own home and garden business in Finland. Two times happily married, two time...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 38
Live in : Regno Unito
Hello I m Andrew from England. I live in Westminster city London. It will be my pleasure to be friends with you because I m coming to Korea next month to spend my vacation and I need a friend that wil...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 38
Live in : Regno Unito
Hi, こんにちは 안녕하세요 My name is Jo 2024年11月に日本に行きます 日本で会いたい場合はお知らせください 저도 2026년 초에 한국을 방문할 예정입니다 I enjoy reading, the gym, making sushi, video gam...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 21
Live in : Austria
I am looking for a friend worldwide who would be interested in creating memories with me. I love deep conversations about dreams, memories, films, literature, art, philosophy and all other beautiful a...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 30
Live in : Corea del Sud
ソウルに住んでいる男です D 幼い頃日本の文化に接して日本に関心を持つようになりました 日本旅行は年に8回くらい遊びに行きます それで日本語は少しできます 身長は182cm ソウルに...