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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622033

Sesso : Femminile
Age : 33
Live in : Turchia
Hi everybody, I love reading and I want to learn a lot of things about other cultures and countries. I think to have new and good friends is a big richness, and reading is not only about getting rid o...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 29
Live in : Corea del Sud
Hi I m andy english name and I living in Korea. I ve been studying EnglishI want to make friends who communicate in English. Thank you안녕하세요 제 영어 이름은 앤디 입니다영어 공부를 하고 있어요영어로 대화하며 친...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 48
Live in : Stati Uniti
I am looking for pen pals to broaden my horizon I can help with English teach me your language I m willing to talk about anythi...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 37
Live in : Corea del Sud
Hello, I m from Korea. Glad to meet you. I learn English culture and any other one. Always ask and send me if you are interested in Korean culture. We would be able to encounter our ideas. Do not hesi...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 17
Live in : Giappone
こんにちは 私は日本人高校生です 韓国語と英語を勉強しています 人と会話をすることと 韓国 台湾 イギリス オーストラリアの文化が大好きです INFPです ぜひお友達になってください...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 20
Live in : Giappone
안녕하세요 04년생 19살이에요 한국어를 배우고 있는 일본인입니다 괜찮다면 저와 교류해주세요!일본어를 가르쳐드릴수도 있습니다나이가 비슷한 분과 이야기 할 수 있으면 좋겠습니다...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 52
Live in : Corea del Sud
I m a normal person. I like to laugh and I like to tell humorous stories. I can t speak English, but if it s okay, I ll try hard if I can also talk through a translator. I want to make friendships wit...