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zombieee !!
28,Feb 2014 02:32 AM
09,Jun 2014 05:46 PM
hii :)
I've been zombie.
I love makeup game kkkk : )
Total comment(s) :5
Omg it's really similar with zombie XD I had better meet you~hehe
biggleJ | 09,Jun 2014
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
음..다크 서클이 정말 아름다우심 ㄷㄷㄷ
skyyarn | 08,Jun 2014
Its just awesome kk
I love this pic
wltksaus | 02,May 2014
wow makeup awesome
zombie face
jeyrock1 | 06,Mar 2014
Very good makeup.
you're too pretty, though, to be a zombie.
(the ones I've seen in pictures and films are ugly!)
l611045 | 28,Feb 2014